Lisa* (32) – I love ballet as there is much philosophy in


Lisa in the far background (3rd f.r.)

As my mother was ballet teacher and we had a dancing school right in our home I started with ballet when I was four years old and trained until 12. Then there was a pause of eleven years until I restarted and trained very hard, sometimes three times a week.


Ballet never meant “doing exercise for fitness reasons” to me and I think it shouldn´t be as there is much philosophy in it. You have to approach to it as a whole thing to be able to allow for exercising and for understanding it.


A morning class for ladies of different age and different levels (here)

Ballet has a lot to do with poise. To live every day with purpose as a ballet dancer is much joy. To strike an attitude means more than stretching or doing a split. It is suspense and balance, concentrating on the body axis and mimicry. You have to have the whole body under control and to be able to manipulate the movement of each limb.

*Lisa David runs a company for adult education. More about here.


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