2. Februar 2018 ⋅ Books, Healthy Living DSC_4415_bearbeitet-1

“The last Grand Tour” – A Two Years Adventure of Two Benedictine Monks in the 19th Century

Or: about the joy of traveling in earlier days

25. August 2017 ⋅ Books, Healthy Living, Recipes DSC_3439_bearbeitet-1

New Recipe – “Ananas* à la Crème Louis XV**” and a Hazelnut-Chocolate-Cream

If the King only had known Matthew Kenney***

16. Juni 2017 ⋅ Books, Healthy Living, Therapy DSC_2961_bearbeitet-3

Another Long Weekend (Corpus Domini) – Discover the Monastery Neuberg an der Mürz

Gothic architecture, baroque art and a music festival
