An Easter Riddle: Guess what the Baroque Boat Is for and where It Is?


Let us start the Easter riddle with a mysteriously tiny photo (I didn´t succeed in correctly uploading it from Wikipedia, you can open it here, it is worth doing it to get a better view onto the original). First question: where are we? The church I am going to show you around is in Upper Austria, situated on the waterfront of a lake.


The church is not directly on the waterfront as there is a beautiful and romantic graveyard between the building and the lake. The view from there is breathtaking. As a typical Viennese I love graveyards and am always looking for the perfect last resting place. Now I have found it and my husband and I decided to settle there to get the permission :-) .


Enter the church and turn to the right. There is this stunning altar piece with a crucifixion scene, statues (larger than life size) and marbled columns. The painting will trick you as usually there is another one on that place. As it was a day in the Lenten season when we were there and took the photos (with our mobiles), one couldn´t see the original altar painting – a Coronation of the Virgin.

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Right and left of the altar are impressing tapestries (the motifs – figures, plants, scenery – are painted), crowned with decorative gilded frames, made of carved wood. Though they are stunning, they are not the church´s highlight, so let´s get closer to the object to guess.

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In the middle of the church is a Baroque boat with fishermen, representing the Miraculous Catch of Fishes. It is the reason why there are arriving many tourists yearly as it is not only a splendid work of art but serves as …??? May the Holy Spirit be with you to find out what for this boat has been used. Who can solve the riddle?


A last hint to find out where the church is: in the background of the photo above you can see parts of a city which is known for its pottery. You can find their tableware almost all over the world. The Japanese love it. – Have a successful guess! And Happy Easter!

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