Books and Links on Different Topics


 On the Health Topic – Tips and Recipes

Sorry, dear English speaking world: there are some German books and sites. Anyway they are listed – maybe there are family members or friends who are able to understand and to translate :-)

Most of the recipes in books and on blogs are vegan, plant based, starch free and free of soy products. Be careful with the ingredients: Those who suffer from chronic and serious illnesses shall have a vegan and starch free diet free of soy products! – There are almost no German blogs on Internet with recipes following this diet. I advised the German readers to search by tags.


  • Hildegard von Bingen, Causa et Curae – Ursprung und Behandlung. (German) – Find here more books from and about Hildegard von Bingen.
  • Victoria Boutenko, Green for Life. The Updated Classic on Green Smoothie Nutrition. Berkeley, California 2010.
  • Brendan Brazier, Whole Foods to Thrive: Nutrient-Dense, Plant-Based Recipes for Peak Health. South Surrey, Canada 2011.
  • Kris Carr, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips. S.l. 2007.
  • Kris Carr, Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, And Live Like You Mean It! S.l. 2011.
  • Hermann Geesing, Die beste Waffe des Körpers: Enzyme. Aktivieren Sie Ihre Biokatalysatoren. München 2002. (German)
  • Hermann Geesing, Immun-Training: So stärken Sie Ihre körpereigenen Abwehrkräfte. München 1991. (German)
  • Gisela Heldt, Krebstherapie – ein ganzheitliches Konzept. Adelsdorf 2005. – Will hopefully be available again in 2016 (German).
  • Matthew Kenney, Plant Food. Utah, 2014.
  • Tanya Maher, The Uncook Book. The Essential Guide to a Raw Food Lifestyle. London, 2015.
  • Ella Woodward, Deliciously Ella: Awesome ingredients, incredible food that you and your body will love. London 2015.
